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#8 Treviso - Pordenone (81 km)

Marcas, Battles, Villages and Festivals

Treviso – Oderzo (36 km)

Leave Treviso main church (km 0) and head toward North,  following one of the many canals of the city, heading towards La Marcathe Treviso’s county.

Pass under the highway in Pezzan (km 7), then pass San Giacomo di Musestrelle, Fagaré and Bocca CallaltaYou are going to cross river Piave (km 22): river Piave is developing its own cycleroute, linking Bellunothe capital of Dolomiti, with Jesolo on the Adriatic sea.


Oderzo – Pordenone (45 km)

Head for Ponte di Piave and then Oderzowhere you must cross the rivers Monticano (km 37) and Livenza (km 46): proceed to Portobuffolé, one of the cutest villages in La Marca, and then Brugnera: you are now in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Follow the river Livenza till the town of Sacilewith its sweet canals and elegant towers.

Head towards West, and get into Porcia and finally Pordenone (km 81): take your time to visit this alternative city, with an important literature festival in September: Pordenone LeggeTake a walk on the bridge of Adamo ed Eva and just relax on the green spaces of this pleasant city. If you have enough time, we suggest you visiting the Beato Odorico church, by Mario Botta: quite unique piece of sacred architecture.




San Donà di Piave is a city and comune of Metropolitan City of Venice, Veneto, northern Italy. It is one of the historical main towns of the Eastern Veneto territory, although it was totally reconstructed in the early 1920s after being heavily damaged during the World War I.


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#9 Pordenone – Udine

Friuli is a land or rivers and rebels: head towards Casarsa della Delizia and take a while to homage the poet Pierpaolo Pasolini, buried there. Cross river Tagliamentowith its large bed, and proceed to Codroipo: you will encounter the impressive Villa Manin, famous for the Napoleon treaty of Campo Formio. Approach Udine, capital of Friuli and good beer: enjoy a fresh blonde in Piazza Libertà, together with a crunchy dish of Frico.